Lazy Day – Sunday

Todays plan

Chill, have some coffee, watch shameless, more coffee, find new inspiring stuff on  Pinterest, eat some strawberries, check Instagram, cook something nice from this Pinterest board, draw some watercolour backgrounds (because it’s relaxing), read blogs and enjoy today. What are your plans for this Sunday?

sunday lazy daug photography strawberries lifestyle ypographycat macbook tumblr lazy dayd sunday

Thanks for checking my blog!


Monday. Like this or better?

I found this photograph of my Cat Chester today and thought It would make a great oh No ‘Monday’! image:) Don’t you think his face really speaks out the pain that sometimes people have to face on Mondays? Well must of us had to, at least a few times in our life’s haha. Happy Monday Everyone, hope your day will be/or was, better than his face in this picture. Smile!

CAT MONDAY AGAIN JOKE FUNNY photography black and white facebook tumblr twitter cat kitty

Mr Grumpy Cat. New Mixed media Collage

Here is one of my new art-works Mr. Grumpy Cat.

its available on a T-shirt at RAD





Paper craft by Gareth

Was hanging out with my friend today and took some photographs of his paper craft that he made, pretty impressive little bird and rose out of paper:)

friend is not that bad either  lol

Mano kursiokas pagamino popierines figurėles vienam projektui, paukštį ir gėlę, šiuo metu gamina snaiges irdėsiu foto veliau :)) pagalvojau pasidalinsiu čia keliom foto, jis pats irgi toks neblogas cha cha.

We love cats! aren’t they sooo cute!

Mes mylim kates ,nu taip nesveikai!